Borami Kang's ARTS444m6u

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Multiples in Space and Time

This article helped me think concept "multiples" in different ways. I could identify the group, motion, sequence and whole lot of information through mutliples. It is different from one still image or one moving image(movie). I can find differences between one and another. I can also find changes made between them. I think the author shows various good examples in the text. I expecially like Unusual Luminous glasses images. They all look same when you just skim it, but as you look at it closer, there are differences between each. Big differences. It reminds me of playing mathcing game with cards when I was young. By seeing multiples of them, I finally know everything that match. That takes time to do it.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Layering and Separation.
First, I am still confused what he meant by "1+1=3 or more" in the article. He introduces the technique of layering and separation for information design. I thought it was interesting that he saw bold boarder lines as "cluttered", and not very visually interesting. When he said layering and separating the data, I couldn't fully understand how he actually used it to make look better. For me, when I think of layering something, I imagine the set of "Layers" in Photoshop program. In this article, he says he used layering and separating by making bold boarderlines of the boxes lighter (Symbol Sourcebook). I understand that the thinner outlines work in more designerly way, or I will say, aestheic and elegant way. However, I still see the use of thick boardline is also necessary in some occasions, and they'are not really bad design for me. They just have different feel to it.