Borami Kang's ARTS444m6u

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Modern Hieroglyphs + Language of Dreams
Reading the article, "Modern Hieroglyphs", for second time, I agree with the arthor that observation is the key to knowledge. The isotypes that are discussed in the article is different than icon that we use for computer. However, I thought the isotype can be another best interface for the first project, too. Isotype usually is very simple, black and bold. With isotype, people also have to have basic knowledge before they interpret it. I find it very interesting that the isotypes that I saw in America are used mostly same in all other coutries. I'm guessing that these isotypes are designed for universal purpose. In the article, "Language of Dreams", it was interesting to compare the meaning of isotype as pictograph and as ideograph. As being a foreigner, as a bilangual person, I have been grwon to adopt both culture of America and Korea, learn both language, and also learn other numerous norms of the two different country. And it is always interesting to see the difference and similarities in expression and styles of two different cultures (in language, art, or any form of expression of ideas).


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