Borami Kang's ARTS444m6u

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Impossibility of Interface
The author does a good job in explaining and defining the different interfaces in the article. He tells how magnifying glass as interface works in two different program; Mac OS's Sherlock and Adobe Photoshop or Quark XPress. The statement he made about the metaphor as "a variant of action upon an object or process" stopped me from keep thinking about the metaphor as just image or eye candy icons when making and applying it to interface. I learned that there are so many interfaces I could make by thinking alot of various relationships between every single objects or masses from information system that are provided. I also found out that the hierarchy of the system is also important and can be helpful when designing its interfaces. The author emphasizes on two powers of interfaces and these two modes of power combine; how they stack up and combine, and how one mode can assume dominance over the other. I also learned there is always control in interface, yet the interface in someway, has to be designed that let users question and think more about it once more to interact as much as they can and be flexible with the interface feel free enough to navigate. On page 108, the last sentence reminded me of movie clips that I was learning from Ryan's class the other day. (While moving stars are moving forword and backword, there is a rotating star on fixed point.) I thought it was really dynamic design, though it was just a practice.

I think this article was really helpful to read as I am working on interface design using Flash. Overall, in the article, the fact, uses, implications, and meaning of the interface was written very well in details within each little titles, but I felt that the each contents with the title was not organized very well.